Footwear is an essential of the overall look for men and no style can ever be complete without them. Shoes can make or break a look and can manage to make you stand out from the crowd, if you get them right and wear them right. The men’s footwear market has been buzzing off late with exciting new launches from industry giants and footwear manufacturers world over. Technology seems to be the defining trend in this segment which are ensuring that shoes today are more functional and fashionable than ever before. Shoes are a focal point in setting style statements for men, and here are some of the hottest trends of this segment for the year ahead, which you would do well to add to your shopping cart.
No matter if you hate them or love them, but chunky soles aren’t going anywhere, not for remainder of the year or the one to follow at least. They have been around for quite some years around and this year you can expect to see them on smarter shoes, who are all set to ditch them for slim leather soles. Even when they are chunky and might be an eye-sore for some to look at, enough alternatives in the market ensure that they are going to get more lightweight and comfortable.
Boat shoes are making a resurgence back to fashion relevance or that is what the latest trends will make you believe. Out for favor by many for being too posh, things are finally changing for the aficionados of these shoes. These shoes are not all the same and their soles vastly differentiates from other variants in the market. You can expect to see them all around town for the year ahead.
Expect to seem men flaunting daring and bold colors on their feet for the year ahead. Bold is the way to go with many industry giants setting the trends and the same is being lapped by the masses as evident from their omnipresence in major fashion capitals of the world. As long you team them up with a fine pair of neutral colored trousers sourced from a quality mens wear manufacturer, you can’t wrong with flaunting daring colors this year.
Omnipresence is a strong word to show around for fashion trends, but skatewear seems to have earned the billing. They have evolved in style with the backing of major fashion labels who have ensured that the many variants of these have found their way in most style tribes.