For manufacturers, retailers and customers alike the fabrics that go into making sports apparel is a fine detail that none of them really fails to check out. This is primarily because sports apparel is not meant just for comfort and style but for optimizing the competitive performance of the wearers. Sports apparel are designed by sport apparel manufacturers after taking into consideration the discipline of the sport for which they will be worn and aspects like skillful application, action, movements, motions and efforts have a lot of bearing on the final design and output.
The fabrics of the sporting apparel differs according to the discipline of the sport for which they are meant and they are designed specifically to enhance the performance of the sports person. Sports apparel are inclusive of tracksuits, shorts, t-shirts and polo shirts and differ from sport to sport. Stretch, recovery and comfort remain the basic requirements for the majority of sport apparels regardless of their disciplines.
Following are the key factors which determine the choice of fabrics for sport apparels.
Since most sports are physically very demanding , the apparel needs to be made from fabric that can soak all the perspiration that gets on the clothes during intense exercise and physical exertion. Fabrics which can’t counter perspiration/sweat restriction free-flowing movement of sports persons causing them unnecessary discomfort.
Sports apparel should ideally be made of fabrics with good stretching ability for easier movement. Polyester is the go- to fabric for most sports apparels and as they have a high number of perforations which helps evaporating the sweat away to the surrounding air.
Sports apparel are designed after taken into consideration the atmosphere that they will be worn in and that’s why fabrics with moisture wicking properties are used for hot and humid atmospheres, breathable fabrics are used for winter sports with high insulating properties.
After taking into consideration all requirements, sport disciplines, demographics and global standards the following fabrics emerge as the most popular and widely used fabrics for sports apparels and also used by t-shirt manufacturers for sports t-shirts.
Synthetic Fabric
Miracle Microfiber
Nylon .
Coated fabrics
Bonded and blended fabrics
For reference: 5 Best Types Of Materials For Sports Clothing